Dog Boredom

Tips to Prevent Dog Boredom

The modern pet dog has little to do; they get free food, affection, and toys without working for it. The trouble with this scenario is that the dogs will become bored if they are not kept busy or mentally stimulated. They may end up finding destructive ways of passing the time. Fortunately, you can prevent dog boredom easily as shown below:

Boredom is Bad for Dogs

When your dog is bored, they will likely engage in destructive habits like excessive barking, chewing and digging among other harmful behaviors. Dogs are supposed to be active creatures, so if they don’t get sufficient stimulation, they quickly get bored. What they need are a couple of activities to stimulate their minds and bodies, thus preventing behavioral problems like aggression and anxiety.

So, if you want to maintain positive behavior in your dogs, make sure you do the following boredom-relieving activities.

Play with Your Dog

One easy way of preventing dog boredom is playing with your dog more often. That could be any game like hiding some treats in your house or tug. The first game of hiding treats stimulates your dog’s mind and sense of smell, while the tug game is an excellent interactive sport that will help in physically challenging your dog. Ensure you keep the games fun and safe for best results. You can even consider alternating toys to maintain the dog’s interest in the interactive games.

Adjust your Regular Walking Routine

Even though daily walks are essential for your dog, they can become quite mundane and boring if you are using the same old route daily. Change things up by visiting new neighborhoods or even adjusting your pace. You can also give your dog enough time to smell and interact with their environment as it adds the much needed mental stimulation. Remember, that dogs are not merely visual animals, they also like sniffing around.

Train Your Dog a New Command

Did you know that obedience training is mentally stimulating for your dog? A couple of ten-minute training sessions per day training on new commands or tricks gives the dog’s brain an excellent mental workout. Working on reliable recall, impulse control, and the basic sit and stay commands are useful to start with during training.

Plan Play Dates

Your dog requires some meaningful interactions and play dates are a great option. Socializing and exposing dogs to new places, people and dogs are critical in helping them become socialized.

References: Puppy Leaks, Rover

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