Ideas on handling the canine disorder
To begin with, separation anxiety is the problematic or distressing behavior exhibited by dogs whenever we leave them. As a pet owner, we would often witness characteristics of this disorder through symptoms that range from panting, whining, and barking to even destructive scratching. In typical situations, the pet may end up defecating around the house also though its potty training. Such situation portrays an advancing separation anxiety condition.
However, as any pet owner, we should understand that to an extent the separation anxiety happens in two forms: simulated and true dog separation anxiety. The former happens to manifests whenever the dogs learn of bad behavior that will quickly get them reprimanded by their owners. True separation anxiety, on the other hand, exhibits real stress on the dog to the extent of the bad behavior.
Preventive measures
Likewise, learning the background to dog separation anxiety would not be entirely fulfilled without a look at the best approaches to handling the condition. Severe cases of dog separation anxiety can explore the following remedies
- Discipline training
Dog separation anxiety would not profess in dogs trained well since the beginning as pups. Therefore this makes it essential for any pet dog owner, whether a puppy or a full-grown pug incorporates therapy on patience, calmness, and reward.
- Crate training
Crating is another preventive option that is quite controversial in that considers it’s dangerous for dog separation anxiety. The scenario involves making the dog familiar with living in a crate for extended stays to create a sense of security with the container whenever you are away.
- Encourage independence
As pet owners, we are perhaps the largest culprits in encouraging dog separation anxiety due to the unwarranted and often excessive affection. Teaching independence is best effective if it involves educating the pug to sit, sleep, lie down or play with toys while you are moving out of sight for extended periods.
- Medications and supplements
Also available are veterinarian prescribed drug regimen to treat the dog anxiety and stress condition. Keep in mind, that before implementing this decision it is imperative to consult the local veterinarian.
Bottom line
The critical aspect to remember is that pet dogs can become distressed whenever their handlers leave them alone. However, as responsible pet owners, it remains best to leave our dogs in a stable mental and emotional state whenever we seek to retreat from the house.
SOURCES: VetFolio, NIH, Dog Psychologist, Labrador Training, Pet MD